GMPL model of motivational examples

Simple GMPL models of the motivational examples

Festivals example

The final mathematical model for the Festivals example looked like this:

\[y_1,y_2,y_3,y_4,y_5 \in \{0,1\} \]
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} y_1+y_3+y_4 &\ge& 1 \\ y_1+y_2+y_3+y_5 &\ge& 1 \\ y_1+y_2+y_4+y_5 &\ge& 1 \\ y_3+y_5 &\ge& 1 \\ y_4 &\ge& 1\\ y_2+y_3+y_4+y_5 &\ge& 1 \\ y_3+y_5 &\ge& 1 \\ \end{array} \]
\[ y_1+y_2+y_3+y_4+y_5 \to min\]

Let's see step by step, how this can be formulated in GMPL:

Mathematical notation GMPL code
\(y_1,y_2,y_3,y_4,y_5 \in \{0,1\} \) var y1 binary;
var y2 binary;
var y3 binary;
var y4 binary;
var y5 binary;
\( y_1+y_3+y_4 \ge 1 \) s.t. Haggard: y1 + y3 + y4 >= 1;
\( y_1+y_2+y_3+y_5 \ge 1 \) s.t. Stratovarius: y1 + y2 + y3 + y5 >= 1;
\( y_1+y_2+y_4+y_5 \ge 1 \) s.t. Epica: y1 + y2 + y4 + y5 >= 1;
\( y_3+y_4 \ge 1 \) s.t. Dalriada: y3 + y4 >= 1;
\( y_4 \ge 1 \) s.t. Apocalyptica: y4 >= 1;
\( y_2+y_3+y_4+y_4+y_5 \ge 1 \) s.t. Liva: y2 + y3 + y4 +y5 >= 1;
\( y_3+y_5 \ge 1 \) s.t. Eluveitie: y3 + y5 >= 1;
Objective function
\( y_1+y_2+y_3+y_4+y_5 \to min \) minimize NumberOfFestivals: y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5;

Let's have a look at the ouptut:

Problem:    froccs
Rows:       8
Columns:    5 (5 integer, 5 binary)
Non-zeros:  25
Objective:  NumberOfFestivals = 2 (MINimum)

   No.   Row name        Activity     Lower bound   Upper bound
------ ------------    ------------- ------------- -------------
     1 Haggard                     2             1               
     2 Stratovarius                1             1               
     3 Epica                       1             1               
     4 Dalriada                    2             1               
     5 Apocalyptica                1             1               
     6 Liva                        2             1               
     7 Eluveitie                   1             1               
     8 NumberOfFestivals

   No. Column name       Activity     Lower bound   Upper bound
------ ------------    ------------- ------------- -------------
     1 y1           *              0             0             1 
     2 y2           *              0             0             1 
     3 y3           *              1             0             1 
     4 y4           *              1             0             1 
     5 y5           *              0             0             1 

Integer feasibility conditions:

KKT.PE: max.abs.err = 0.00e+00 on row 0
        max.rel.err = 0.00e+00 on row 0
        High quality

KKT.PB: max.abs.err = 0.00e+00 on row 0
        max.rel.err = 0.00e+00 on row 0
        High quality

End of output

From the line Status: INTEGER OPTIMAL we know that the solver managed to find the optimal solution. From the line Objective: NumberOfFestivals = 2 (MINimum) we also know that the optimal number of festivals is 2. We have to scroll down to the second table, to find out, that this could be achieved when the value of y3 and y4 is 1, and all of the other variables take the value of zero. This means, that we need to go to only the third and fourth festivals.

Fröccs example

Similarly to the above example, we have already constructed the following LP model for the fröccs problem:

\[x_{KF},x_{NF},x_{HL},x_{HM},x_{VHM},x_{KrF},x_{SF},x_{PF} \in [0,\infty[ \]
\[1 \cdot x_{KF} + 2 \cdot x_{NF}\ + 1 \cdot x_{HL} + 3 \cdot x_{HM} + 2 \cdot x_{VHM} + 9 \cdot x_{KrF} + 1 \cdot x_{SF} + 6 \cdot x_{PF} \le 1000\] \[1 \cdot x_{KF} + 1 \cdot x_{NF}\ + 2 \cdot x_{HL} + 2 \cdot x_{HM} + 3 \cdot x_{VHM} + 1 \cdot x_{KrF} + 9 \cdot x_{SF} + 3 \cdot x_{PF} \le 1500\]
\[110 \cdot x_{KF} + 200 \cdot x_{NF}\ + 120 \cdot x_{HL} + 260 \cdot x_{HM} + 200 \cdot x_{VHM} + 800 \cdot x_{KrF} + 200 \cdot x_{SF} + 550 \cdot x_{PF} \to max\]

Again, let's implement that in GMPL step by step:

Mathematical notation GMPL code
\( x_{KF},x_{NF},x_{HL},x_{HM},x_{VHM},x_{KrF},x_{SF},x_{PF} \in [0,\infty[ \) var xKF >=0;
var xNF >=0;
var xHL >=0;
var xHM >=0;
var xVHM >=0;
var xKrF >=0;
var xSF >=0;
var xPF >=0;
\( 1 \cdot x_{KF} + 2 \cdot x_{NF} + 1 \cdot x_{HL} + 3 \cdot x_{HM} + 2 \cdot x_{VHM} + 9 \cdot x_{KrF} + 1 \cdot x_{SF} + 6 \cdot x_{PF} \le 1000 \) s.t. Wine: 1*xKF + 2*xNF + 1*xHL + 3*xHM + 2*xVHM + 9*xKrF + 1*xSF + 6*xPF <= 1000;
\( 1 \cdot x_{KF} + 1 \cdot x_{NF}\ + 2 \cdot x_{HL} + 2 \cdot x_{HM} + 3 \cdot x_{VHM} + 1 \cdot x_{KrF} + 9 \cdot x_{SF} + 3 \cdot x_{PF} \le 1500 \) s.t. Soda: 1*xKF + 1*xNF + 2*xHL + 2*xHM + 3*xVHM + 1*xKrF + 9*xSF + 3*xPF <= 1500;
Objective function
\( 110 \cdot x_{KF} + 200 \cdot x_{NF}\ + 120 \cdot x_{HL} + 260 \cdot x_{HM} + 200 \cdot x_{VHM} + 800 \cdot x_{KrF} + 200 \cdot x_{SF} + 550 \cdot x_{PF} \to max\) maximize TotalIncome: 110*xKF + 200*xNF + 120*xHL + 260*xHM + 200*xVHM + 800*xKrF + 200*xSF + 550*xPF;

Again, let's have a look at the ouptut:

Problem:    froccs
Rows:       3
Columns:    8
Non-zeros:  24
Status:     OPTIMAL
Objective:  TotalIncome = 115625 (MAXimum)

   No.   Row name   St   Activity     Lower bound   Upper bound    Marginal
------ ------------ -- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
     1 Wine         NU          1000                        1000         98.75 
     2 Soda         NU          1500                        1500         11.25 
     3 TotalIncome  B         115625                             

   No. Column name  St   Activity     Lower bound   Upper bound    Marginal
------ ------------ -- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
     1 xKF          B          937.5             0               
     2 xNF          NL             0             0                       -8.75 
     3 xHL          NL             0             0                       -1.25 
     4 xHM          NL             0             0                      -58.75 
     5 xVHM         NL             0             0                      -31.25 
     6 xKrF         NL             0             0                        -100 
     7 xSF          B           62.5             0               
     8 xPF          NL             0             0                      -76.25 

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions:

KKT.PE: max.abs.err = 0.00e+00 on row 0
        max.rel.err = 0.00e+00 on row 0
        High quality

KKT.PB: max.abs.err = 0.00e+00 on row 0
        max.rel.err = 0.00e+00 on row 0
        High quality

KKT.DE: max.abs.err = 0.00e+00 on column 0
        max.rel.err = 0.00e+00 on column 0
        High quality

KKT.DB: max.abs.err = 0.00e+00 on row 0
        max.rel.err = 0.00e+00 on row 0
        High quality

End of output

From the line Status: OPTIMAL we know that the solver managed to find the optimal solution. Note, that the word "INTEGER" is missing, as we had no discrete variables, this model is "just" and LP, not an MILP. From the line Objective: TotalIncome = 115625 (MAXimum) we also know that the maximal income we can have is 115625. We have to scroll down to the second table, to find out, that this could be achieved by selling 937.5 portions of kisfröccs, and 62.5 portions of sóherfröccs.

Let's make mistakes!

Regardless of the programming or modelling language, small syntax mistakes are regularly made by beginners and experienced users alike. The only difference is, that those, who have a lot of practice, can correct those small mistakes quickly and easily, while beginners can spend a lot of time on this instead of focusing on the "essence" (semantics) of the model. The parsers usually provide more useful error messages instead of "Your input is incorrect.", but still, sometimes the message seems to have nothing to do with the actual problem.

A good practice is to find out these messages in a "safe environment". By this I mean, that if You have a perfect code, make small mistakes to it on purpose, and then look at the error message You get. This way You can easily make the connection between error messages and the types of mistakes that can be made. A bonus benefit of this approach is, that You know You have only done a single mistake, and the error messages are not the results of the combination of a few mistypos.

Some typical mistakes that You should check are:

Final notes

We have seen how the LP/MILP model of the motivational examples can be implemented in GMPL, and how we can interpret the output file.