Advanced modelling techniques: "Redundant" variables

Introducing "redundant" variables to make models more transparent

Motivational example

For a couple of months I was working in Oujda, Morocco. I have decided to visit my friend, Jacques in Capetown. As I haven't been to Africa many times before, I decided to travel by car, so that I can see more of that beautiful continent. A friend, Alae-Eddine was kind enough to lend me his car for this trip, so the only thing I'll had to pay for is the petrol for the journey. Naturally, I wanted to reduce the cost of the trip as much as possible, thus I planned in advance where and how much to refuel the car.

The trip was 11000 km long, and there were 22 petrol stations along the way, where I could buy petrol for different prices. The following table shows the petrol stations, their distance from Oujda, and the price of 1 liter of petrol there.

Petrol station Distance from Oujda (km) Price of petrol (Dh/l)

The tank of the car could hold at most 70 liters of petrol, and in average, it consumed 7.5 liters of petrol for 100 km.

Although I was eager to minimize my costs, I wanted to be safe, i.e., I did not want to get to a petrol station with an empty tank. My safety measure was to always have petrol enough for an additional 50 km. Finally, when I started in Oujda, the tank was full.

The question is straightforward: where and how much did I fill the tank of the car to get to Capetown with minimal costs?

The first mathematical model

Sets and parameters

There is only one relevant set in this problem, the set of petrol stations. We can simply define it like this:

    set Stations;
Now we can introduce the next two parameters that are given for all stations:
    param petrolPrice{Stations};
    param distance{Stations};

And we also have some "global" parameters that are specific to our car ride:

    param initialTank;
    param tankCapacity;
    param totalDistance;
    param fuelConsumption; 


There is only one variable needed: the amount of fuel we fill into our tank at each station:

    var fill{Stations} >= 0;


The first constraint must express, that we have enough fuel to get to a station plus the safety measure. All the fuel we have filled into our tank so far, plus what we initially had must be enough for that distance. This could be expressed by the following constraint:

    s.t. Has_to_meet_safety_measure {s in Stations}:
      (initialTank + sum {s2 in Stations: distance[s2] < [s]} fill[s2]) * (100 / fuelConsumption) >= distance[s]+safetyMeasure;
where the term initialTank + sum {s2 in Stations: distance[s2] < distance[s]} fill[s2] summarizes how much fuel we had put into our tank so far (including the initial amount), which has to be multiplied by 100/fualConsumption to get the distance allowed by that amount. The RHS is simply the distance of the station plus the safety measure. Note, the filter distance[s2] < distance[s] makes the sum go over only of the previous stations.

A similar constraint must be added to specify, that we should have enough fuel to get to the final destination:

    s.t. Need_to_reach_final_destination:
      (initialTank + sum {s in Stations} fill[s]) * (100 / fuelConsumption) >= totalDistance;

Finally, we can not overfill the tank:

    s.t. Can_not_overfill{s in Stations}:
      initialTank + sum {s2 in Stations: distance[s2] < distance[s]} fill[s2] - distance[s] * (fuelConsumption / 100) + fill[s] <= tankCapacity;
This constraint is similar to the first one: the LHS summarizes how much fuel is in the tank before leaving the petrol station (initial + filled previously - consumed + filled now), and the RHS is simply the capacity of our tank.

Objective function

The objective function is simply the minimization of the total cost:

    minimize TotalCost:
      sum{s in Stations} fill[s]*fuelPrice[s];

Some fancy output

To have a nice output this could be added:

    printf "Total cost: %g\n\n",TotalCost;

    for{s in Stations}
      printf "%14s  (%5g km, %3g Dh/l): %5.2g + %5.2g ---> %5.2g l\n",s,distance[s],fuelPrice[s],
      initialTank + sum {s2 in Stations: distance[s2] < distance[s]} fill[s2] - distance[s] * (fuelConsumption / 100),
      initialTank + sum {s2 in Stations: distance[s2] < distance[s]} fill[s2] - distance[s] * (fuelConsumption / 100) + fill[s]

The overall modell

The overall modell looks like this:

param totalDistance; #km
param fuelConsumption; # l / 100 km 
param tankCapacity; # l
param initialTank, default tankCapacity; # l
param safetyMeasure; # km

set Stations;
param distance{Stations}; # km
param fuelPrice{Stations}; # Dh / l

var fill{Stations} >= 0;

s.t. Has_to_meet_safety_measure {s in Stations}:
  (initialTank + sum {s2 in Stations: distance[s2] < distance[s]} fill[s2]) * (100 / fuelConsumption) >= distance[s]+safetyMeasure;

s.t. Can_not_overfill{s in Stations}:
  initialTank + sum {s2 in Stations: distance[s2] < distance[s]} fill[s2] - distance[s] * (fuelConsumption / 100) + fill[s] <= tankCapacity;

s.t. Need_to_reach_final_destination:
  (initialTank + sum {s in Stations} fill[s]) * (100 / fuelConsumption) >= totalDistance;

minimize TotalCost:
  sum{s in Stations} fill[s]*fuelPrice[s];


printf "Total cost: %g\n\n",TotalCost;

for{s in Stations}
  printf "%14s  (%5g km, %3g Dh/l): %5.2g + %5.2g ---> %5.2g l\n",s,distance[s],fuelPrice[s],
  initialTank + sum {s2 in Stations: distance[s2] < distance[s]} fill[s2] - distance[s] * (fuelConsumption / 100),
  initialTank + sum {s2 in Stations: distance[s2] < distance[s]} fill[s2] - distance[s] * (fuelConsumption / 100) + fill[s]

With the following data file

param totalDistance := 11000;

param fuelConsumption := 7.5;

param tankCapacity := 70;

param safetyMeasure := 50;

set Stations:= Algeria1 Algeria2 Algeria3 Algeria4 Algeria5 Algeria6 Niger1 Niger2 Nigeria1 Nigeria2 Cameroon Gabon Congo1 Congo2 Angola1 Angola2 Angola3 Namibia1 Namibia2 Namibia3 SouthAfrica1 SouthAfrica2;

param:        distance  fuelPrice:=
Algeria1      320       100
Algeria2      840       90
Algeria3      1350      70
Algeria4      2000      80
Algeria5      2580      100
Algeria6      3170      90
Niger1        3560      120
Niger2        4080      130
Nigeria1      4660      140
Nigeria2      5180      120
Cameroon      5500      150
Gabon         5950      160
Congo1        6479      110
Congo2        6990      130
Angola1       7440      120
Angola2       7960      130
Angola3       8410      120
Namibia1      8730      140
Namibia2      9250      150
Namibia3      9770      130
SouthAfrica1  10350     140
SouthAfrica2  10670     120

The solution

After solving this simple model, we get the following output:

Total cost: 84572.7

      Algeria1  (  320 km, 100 Dh/l):    46 +     0 --->    46 l
      Algeria2  (  840 km,  90 Dh/l):     7 +    35 --->    42 l
      Algeria3  ( 1350 km,  70 Dh/l):   3.8 +    66 --->    70 l
      Algeria4  ( 2000 km,  80 Dh/l):    21 +    49 --->    70 l
      Algeria5  ( 2580 km, 100 Dh/l):    26 +    21 --->    48 l
      Algeria6  ( 3170 km,  90 Dh/l):   3.7 +    66 --->    70 l
        Niger1  ( 3560 km, 120 Dh/l):    41 +    29 --->    70 l
        Niger2  ( 4080 km, 130 Dh/l):    31 +    39 --->    70 l
      Nigeria1  ( 4660 km, 140 Dh/l):    26 +    16 --->    43 l
      Nigeria2  ( 5180 km, 120 Dh/l):   3.8 +    66 --->    70 l
      Cameroon  ( 5500 km, 150 Dh/l):    46 +    24 --->    70 l
         Gabon  ( 5950 km, 160 Dh/l):    36 +   7.2 --->    43 l
        Congo1  ( 6479 km, 110 Dh/l):   3.8 +    66 --->    70 l
        Congo2  ( 6990 km, 130 Dh/l):    32 +   5.8 --->    38 l
       Angola1  ( 7440 km, 120 Dh/l):   3.8 +    66 --->    70 l
       Angola2  ( 7960 km, 130 Dh/l):    31 +   6.5 --->    38 l
       Angola3  ( 8410 km, 120 Dh/l):   3.8 +    66 --->    70 l
      Namibia1  ( 8730 km, 140 Dh/l):    46 +    24 --->    70 l
      Namibia2  ( 9250 km, 150 Dh/l):    31 +    12 --->    43 l
      Namibia3  ( 9770 km, 130 Dh/l):   3.7 +    66 --->    70 l
  SouthAfrica1  (10350 km, 140 Dh/l):    26 +   1.2 --->    28 l
  SouthAfrica2  (10670 km, 120 Dh/l):   3.7 +    21 --->    25 l

A different way of modelling the problem

If an IT person would look at the above code, he/she would probably consider it a bit ugly, as the term initialTank + sum {s2 in Stations: distance[s2] < distance[s]} fill[s2] repeats a couple of times thourough the model. In case of such redundancy in a computer code, the programmer would probably introduce a function, that can be called from different places.

In modelling we can do something similar: we can introduce additional variables, that represent calculated values based on other decision variables and parameters, that are used in many places.

    var fuelAtArrival{Stations};
These variables will denote, how much fuel we have when we arrive to a station. However, these variables do not present a decision, they are calculated based on other "real" decision variables and parameters in equality constraints, like the one below:
    s.t. set_fuelAtArrival{s in Stations}:
      fuelAtArrivaml[s] = initialTank + sum {s2 in Stations: distance[s2] < distance[s]} fill[s2] - distance[s]/100*fuelConsumption;
We will refer to these kind of variables as redundant variables from now on.

Now some of the constraints, outputs can be simplified:

    s.t. Has_to_meet_safety_measure {s in Stations}:
      fuelAtArrival[s] * (100 / fuelConsumption) >= safetyMeasure;

    s.t. Can_not_overfill{s in Stations}:
      fuelAtArrival[s] + fill[s] <= tankCapacity;
    for{s in Stations}
      printf "%14s  (%5g km, %3g Dh/l): %5.2g + %5.2g ---> %5.2g l\n",s,distance[s],fuelPrice[s],
      fuelAtArrival[s], fill[s], fuelAtArrival[s] + fill[s]

If we look at the first constraint from above, it can even be eliminated and moved to a lower bound for the variable:

    var fuelAtArrival{Stations} >= safetyMeasure / 100 * fuelConsumption;

Final look

So, the final version looks like this:

param totalDistance; #km
param fuelConsumption; # l / 100 km 
param tankCapacity; # l
param initialTank, default tankCapacity; # l
param safetyMeasure; # km

set Stations;
param distance{Stations}; # km
param fuelPrice{Stations}; # Dh / l

var fill{Stations} >= 0;
var fuelAtArrival{Stations} >= safetyMeasure / 100 * fuelConsumption;

s.t. set_fuelAtArrival{s in Stations}:
      fuelAtArrival[s] = initialTank + sum {s2 in Stations: distance[s2] < distance[s]} fill[s2] - distance[s]/100*fuelConsumption;

s.t. Can_not_overfill{s in Stations}:
  fuelAtArrival[s] + fill[s] <= tankCapacity;

s.t. Need_to_reach_final_destination:
  (initialTank + sum {s in Stations} fill[s]) * (100 / fuelConsumption) >= totalDistance;

minimize TotalCost:
  sum{s in Stations} fill[s]*fuelPrice[s];


printf "Total cost: %g\n\n",TotalCost;

for{s in Stations}
  printf "%14s  (%5g km, %3g Dh/l): %6.3f + %6.3f ---> %6.3f l\n",s,distance[s],fuelPrice[s],
  fuelAtArrival[s], fill[s], fuelAtArrival[s] + fill[s]

The same data section can be used, and the output is exactly the same as above.

Readability / maintainability over performance?

One could rightfully raise their voice, and complain, that we made a bad deal, as our model now has twice as many variables and thus, solving it will be slower. That is theoretically true, however:

Excercise for you

The model could be transformed a bit further as well based on the following idea: the fuel level in the tank at a station is simply the level when leaving the last station minus the fuel burned since then. Create a model, that calculates the fuelAtArrival[s] values based on this idea.

A bit of help: in the model, it will be important to refer to the previous station, that is difficult with the above set and parameter definitions. Changing the form of the input data to the following can solve this issue:

    param stationCount;
    set Stations:=1..stationCount;
    param stationName{Stations} symbolic;
and in the data section:
    param stationCount := 22;
          stationName   distance  fuelPrice :=
      1   Algeria1      320       100
      2   Algeria2      840       90
      3   Algeria3      1350      70
      4   Algeria4      2000      80

Final notes

The purpose of this lecture was to introduce a new modeling technique that can often make our models much simpler.